After the departure of a number of franchise characters, including Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, and T’Challa, Marvel used Phase 4 to introduced more new heroes than it had created in the first three phases combined, most of them women and people of color, and a lot of them teenagers.Ī lot of this was thanks to the beginning of Marvel’s own in-continuity TV shows on Disney+, some of which fed directly into where the MCU is now headed.
Phase 4 of the MCU, which ended in 2022 with Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and Disney+'s Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, was a rebuilding period after the franchise’s long march toward the battle against Thanos.
This, dear reader, is how (and when!) to watch the MCU moving forward. Those release date shifts might mean that you need a little update as to what to expect and when, so here we are with the goods. Despite recent changes in release dates, it remains Marvel's cinematic universe, and we only live in it.